I was wondering if I should cut this post up into chunks, but found out I'd present it like it is, and how it appeared to me. This picture is nice to have on the top of the post. That's all it's here for.. :-)
What I have to tell isn't quite so cozy, so just delight in the words on the picture below: "Love one another."
I had a vision. Or more like a semiconscious dream, except for some things that happened that doesn't categorize it as "merely a dream". This happened at about 12.00, middle of the day on Dec 4th, 2009. I was only fully awake long enough to write it down, it took some hours with the diagrams and all, but then I was exhausted, fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon, and woke up at midnight as it turned to Saturday the 5th of December, 2009, as I'm now writing this preface.
I am a little worried about using the word "vision", as I may cause people to think that I regard myself as something "high" and "spiritually advanced" or something, but it was semi-conscious, and this becomes more clear during this experience as I tell it. Here's what happened:
I was in a landscape, much like a garden or rather on a compound, old buildings, like a school built around 1900 or something, judging by the buildings.
There were trees growing there, and these trees were big trees, some of them, forming an alley. Green leaves, but clearly autumn in the air, with berries or seeds growing on them. I was standing under the biggest, most lush green tree you could imagine. It seemed to thrive very well in it's location, next to the main building along an alley of such trees leading there beside the walkway.
I had a insatiable need, like I had no choice, I just had this task, and that was to gather the berries/seeds from the trees and make plants from them.
But the berries on the largest, most beautiful looking tree had only green berries, although there were plenty of them. They weren't ready to be planted. The berries/seeds had to be a little shrinkled up and darker of color before they had the ability to sprout.
So I had to pick my seeds from another tree or trees, because they were ready for planting. Now, this tree wasn't much to look at beside the other, grand tree. Rather 1/2 to 1/3 of the size of the other, and thinner branches and generally not so lush looking. But the berries/seeds were ripe!
I started putting these, one by one, each one into one little pot, and covered them lightly with soil. In my mind and in my dream, I had planned to make 15 of these trees.
There was a shift, and suddenly I was looking at the plants that had sprouted from the seeds, and I knew it was time to plant them, if they were to grow any roots before the autumn got harder and the cold and winter came along. If not, they wouldn't survive.
So I started planting these little trees along a wall, at the end of a flowerbed near to a inward corner of a brick house. I must draw you a diagram to show the layout. It's a bit further down the page
I planted where there was room, because the flower-bed up to that point near this corner was already occupied by other stuff; shrubs and stuff that clearly was more suitable to plant near a wall. These plants of mine had the ability in them to become big trees, and I planted them on what little space I could find, and that was only there. Otherwise they would die anyway, so.. I planted them with maybe 10 inches or about 20 Cm between them, which was, when looking at it, lunacy, but that was the only place to put them.
After plant number three, a low brick wall started, then built it's height up to the top height, which was about ten inches or twenty-some Cm off the ground, and swung inside the corner. This brick wall was there so that the lawn was held from the house I was in, and it was very strange: Between the house and the brick wall was the only place to plant any more plants, and I was out of room, space, soil, flowerbed. It wasn't even a flowerbed at that time, yet it was, because it had soil in it.
It was at this point only about 7-10 inches or -15-20 Cm between the brick-wall and the threshold of a glass door. The brick wall shielded the plants, but no one could see them unless they were in the house. You see, at the most awkward place in the walls of the building, at flowerbed-level, was this glass sliding-door. In order to get out the door and onto the lawn that this brick wall held back, you had to step over the small strip of soil, and actually UP onto the lawn that was right behind the low brick wall. Here's what it looked like from the air. The X'es mark the five plants, of course.
So I got to plant two more plants, unseen by anyone outside the house, and without much light. That was it. Out of planting-ground. I still had two more cases with plants in them, but nowhere to plant. Then there was much commotion and stuff about other things for a little while, and then I suddenly remembered the other plants. Those in the cases. Where were they? I was told that the maintenance crew had probably disposed of them, and I ran to the garbage cans outside, just to see them throw what I knew were my plants in the cans. I could even see something green in one of the cases, but when I lifted the cardboard cover I had made from cutting squares out the corners a piece of cardboard and folded so it'd fit in the boxes, so as to cover the plants, there was no plants in there! They had vanished. The maintenance crew were one male and one female, and they had red, full body-suits, looking completely cold and emotionless. The plants were gone, and I knew there was no more use for them.
Then I was suddenly inside the house again, and a voice asked me to look at the plants I had planted, and see how they were doing. They must have been sitting there for a while, because there were differences in their appearance.
Plant number one had grown very well, it seemed to suffer a bit, but it was alive.
Plant number two had clearly gained length and obviously roots, but it too was suffering under the cold and gloomy weather, had thin leaves on about three-inch stems.
The third plant kind of disappeared behind the start of that low brick wall, but it was alive. I can't say I was given a clear sight as to what it looked like. I'm guessing somewhere in-between what plant one and two looked like.
There were no plants in the corner itself.
Then I looked at plant number four and five, right between the brick wall and the glass sliding-door. They were lush and green, but still small. They looked like plant number two, but very lush and green. They weren't seen from the lawn, but only if you were inside the house, and through the glass door-opening.
While looking at the plants because this voice had told me to, I was given the understanding that those were years, represented by what life would be for those of us that are Christians, but particularly how the result would look like in the years to come.
That's not to say that there'll be puny little plants that's probably not gonna make it, but just to give an idea of the proportion on some scale. What scale, I don't know, but kind of knew that the little plants were signs on how much the effort would yield, both in appearance and content, and also how the conditions for the plants would be like. Five years of work and growth.
At this point, my wife tells me, I started to describe to her what I had seen and what it meant. Then I probably just drifted back into the vision again. I have no recollection of telling her these things at this moment.
Suddenly the dream/vision changed, and I was in a City, rather American-looking, but not skyscrapers with more than maybe 40 stories.
I was standing on the street, looking up, because this huge, black, flying "thing", almost like a spacecraft, if you can envision one, only it was shaped like a rectangle from underneath, and I saw the side of it too, like the cube from "2001 - A space-odyssey", but not flat. It was clearly rounded off by welding/molding.. Yes, it actually looked like it could have been made of Carbon-fiber, with slightly rounded edges, matte black, but on the underside of this huge thing, there were letters in lights, moving, and a corporate logo, telling the world that "we are the ones that takes care of you. Don't be afraid, just follow the rules and we will provide for you" and so on. That was the message.
I was standing stunned, when I suddenly heard from the ground, as if up from a deep hole, in the utmost dark and out of my sight, but from a circular hole, voices, thousands of voices screaming at the top of the most indescribable horror and torment, thousands upon thousands of voices, but I could hear each one distinct from the other, and it was terrible! These voices screaming up from that hole, made in fact an image of blue, cold light, like a cone with a distinct top, like this, only I'm just making a black/white diagram, I'm no Photoshoper:
And then this voice came again, reassuring and calm, but with much sincerity and even joy and serious at the same time, that's as close as I get to describe it, and the voice said: "So then it's good that it reads what it reads in chapter 5 verse 13 then, and nothing else, right?" And at the same time I knew, without the voice saying it, that it was the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, verse 13 he was talking about. I'd like to write "he" capitalized, "He", because I'm pretty sure that I know who that voice was, but just so that no one will be offended, I won't. It's better that way.
And I was yelling to my wife, semi-conscious, I felt her hand stroking me [because I had uttered some noises when the sheer terror in those voices filled my brain with all that desperation!] ; "Write it down! Write it down! You've got to write this down!
But of course that hand just kept on stroking me. She didn't hear a word, it was all in my mind, while at the same time I was fully aware that I was lying in bed, that she was stroking me and all, so I finally said: "Then I'll have to write it down myself!" And I suddenly was sitting on the bed, my wife nearly had an heart attack, because this happened so fast. One second she was stroking me, and I wasn't making much sound, and the next second I was fully awake and sitting on the bed!
"Didn't you hear me begging you to write it down?", I asked. She had heard nothing. I knew I had to write it down.
But I first had to ask her if she could find Matthew 5:13 immediately, and she did.
It reads [these are Jesus' Words]: "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men."
You should read the rest around that particular verse too.
I already knew from the dream that I was to work for Jesus and do His command to the utmost of my ability and strength, and keep on doing it and keep on doing it..
Five years under shifting conditions.
Corporate money ruling the world's inhabitants, totally. People in torment. You are the salt of the earth. If you are His disciples.
Let not the salt loose it's power. Use it to make the food tasty when you serve it, and to make it preservable. Anyway; use the salt. Let your light shine for the people on earth, so they'll see that you are kind and mild and helpful. Prepare for yourself a treasure in heaven. Start now, if you are not already occupied in doing so. I hope I am. Time is surely short, by any means of measure.
That was my message and it's interpretation.
I just wanted to post it here. I wonder why. Certainly it's NOT to awake any commotion. It's just one of the most lucid "dreams" I have ever had. You can do with it what you want..
Ignore it or think about it..
And I was yelling to my wife, semi-conscious, I felt her hand stroking me [because I had uttered some noises when the sheer terror in those voices filled my brain with all that desperation!] ; "Write it down! Write it down! You've got to write this down!
But of course that hand just kept on stroking me. She didn't hear a word, it was all in my mind, while at the same time I was fully aware that I was lying in bed, that she was stroking me and all, so I finally said: "Then I'll have to write it down myself!" And I suddenly was sitting on the bed, my wife nearly had an heart attack, because this happened so fast. One second she was stroking me, and I wasn't making much sound, and the next second I was fully awake and sitting on the bed!
"Didn't you hear me begging you to write it down?", I asked. She had heard nothing. I knew I had to write it down.
But I first had to ask her if she could find Matthew 5:13 immediately, and she did.
It reads [these are Jesus' Words]: "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men."
You should read the rest around that particular verse too.
I already knew from the dream that I was to work for Jesus and do His command to the utmost of my ability and strength, and keep on doing it and keep on doing it..
Five years under shifting conditions.
Corporate money ruling the world's inhabitants, totally. People in torment. You are the salt of the earth. If you are His disciples.
Let not the salt loose it's power. Use it to make the food tasty when you serve it, and to make it preservable. Anyway; use the salt. Let your light shine for the people on earth, so they'll see that you are kind and mild and helpful. Prepare for yourself a treasure in heaven. Start now, if you are not already occupied in doing so. I hope I am. Time is surely short, by any means of measure.
That was my message and it's interpretation.
I just wanted to post it here. I wonder why. Certainly it's NOT to awake any commotion. It's just one of the most lucid "dreams" I have ever had. You can do with it what you want..
Ignore it or think about it..