I owe, due to a expansion of my heart, an apology for generalizing and judging people on that basis..
There's was once a video-bar on the left in this page, with for instance two nearly identical videos of a Shriner (a direction/lodge within freemasonry) admitting that "he is Lucifer" and that Lucifer is, quote: "a wholesome, pure... who works for the good of mankind" and so on.. The difference between the videos was that one of them had little pop-ups going as additional information..
This video bar was more or less a feed that YouTube runs, and puts up videos based on certain search words I put in there. I couldn't choose exactly what ended up there, but I wanted that video to be there, just so people could see how far off things can get. The more I watch it, I feel my heart pumping with compassion for this man.. Tears in my eyes, desperation.. It's like when a Satanist answered my calling to come to Yeshua with a: "No thanks. I think I'll stick to His older brother." Doesn't it make your heart break to hear and see the confusion?
I know it makes mine.
[I've since deleted the gadget all together, since YouTube aren't allowed to determine what's in my blog. Instead, look at the bottom of the blog for videos.]
But please understand that this poor man is not able to distinguish the one thing from the other. He has been taught these things and is merely a victim of the Luciferian doctrine and the "lightbearer's" poisonous and fiery darts. That's all. He genuinely believes that this is what the Bible teaches.
I did not put this video there to make fun of this poor man. I'm really sorry for him, but wanted to let you see how baffled he is when scripture is quoted to him, how he starts to defend himself while still trying to be gentle and polite. I want you to understand with me an important lesson, which just recently became a light and a revelation alive in me: Jesus loves this man so much that He died on the cross for him. Just as much as He did for all of us. Equally much. God does not judge like men do..
Please pray from the bottom of your hearts and minds both for Masons and for all people, after the will of God, expressed in His Word, the Bible. And please pray also for me..
You see; most Freemasons doesn't know too much about the teachings of for instance Albert Pike. I've written a little piece about him in a previous post, concerning yet another letter than the one I'm about to quote here.
Like I say; Masons have rarely even heard of for instance the letter Pike wrote on July 14, 1889 - to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world, where he stated: "That which we must say to the crowd is, [the crowd was all the non-masons], we worship a God , but it is the God that one adores without superstition." More to follow..
If you ask a mason if their God is Lucifer, those within each level of initiation who know the truth will deny it. Of course the ones held unknowing on the lower levels will say the same, because they really believe that they're a Christian fraternity, doing good deeds to the world in the name of God, but with the possibility and exclusive access to some hidden knowledge of God.
But Albert Pike said in this same letter: "You may repeat it to the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the highest degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."
He says, "If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay [the God of the Christians and the true Israelites] and his priest calumniate [spread false and harmful statements about, or to slander] him?"
Mr Pike said, "..the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay"
Here you go. This shows that the higher degree Masons knows that they believe not in a fallen angel named Satan, but in a being named Lucifer, who did not fall.
But the same Albert Pike contradicts himself when later stating: "Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay [Adonai as spelled in Hebrew, the Name meaning The Lord] the God of Darkness and Evil." I won't get any further into the various teachings that make this strange teaching "perfectly logical" to the so called Illumni..
No wonder people are confused..
Dear fellow Christians. Let us not be judgmental in our thoughts, but expand our hearts and let the true love and belief in the Power of God allow us to love everybody equally much. Of course we're not to throw holy things to dogs and pearls to swine, but most people doesn't qualify as such.
Neither are most of us qualified to judge in such matters. But if our hearts expand, and the love of Christ is allowed to fill us, then all barriers must fall, except those who, at the time being, are deemed to stand.
I am trying to speak simply, but finding the right words to define and reveal some of the secrets of Yesuah, even the little I know about them, is impossible for a human being. But The Lord will make his revelation rest upon the hearts that are to understand what I write. I pray it must be you all.
I recommend watching the series about the secret history of America's beginnings (and you can download it from here: Secret History of America's beginnings - The Trilogy), but watch it bearing in mind the above, to gain knowledge and to grow in wisdom and love and not to grow into fearful bigots.
It could have been me or you. How would we like to be treated? What would work in God's favor for us?
It's not that hard to understand when you put yourself in other people's footprints.
The Aboriginals knows that, so if there is a disagreement between two (and there rarely are); they are to stand back to back for a period of time, thinking about their case against the other. Then they switch places, and stand in each other's footprints, contemplating the matter from the viewpoint of the other for as long as it takes. Then the issue is usually not an issue anymore.. But then they also always look at the person sitting straight across on the other side of the campfire, thinking that if they see in that person something they dislike, then it's something in themselves that they must be aware of and cleanse their thoughts and actions from. If there's something appealing with the person, they think that this is something they themselves must pursue in their approach to life.. Did you know that the original Aboriginals of Australia says that God is three.. That they thank Him every morning and at every meal and before going to sleep, and never waste anything, but uses it or recycles it..? They never lie to one another, so often they can read each other's thoughts over great distances.. [I should add that these are claims that's made, but not "set in stone". Only the Aboriginals know for sure if this is true. I have, however, experienced some things myself, in Jesus' Name that's not explainable by the means "we" categorize as "possible" or even "believable".] Could the Aboriginals, for instance, possess the ancient clue to harmony in Creation, preserved in all simplicity and tradition..?
Have you, truthfully, ever read properly the second chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans? If not, then please do, and may the Lord bless and anoint us all into seeing clearly and act upon it.. :-)
Have you, truthfully, ever read properly the second chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans? If not, then please do, and may the Lord bless and anoint us all into seeing clearly and act upon it.. :-)