februar 22, 2010


Some people I know and myself are just now making the final touches and finishing the casing and framework for what's to become the new community site for all you people out there that's fed up with all the fighting and/or ecumenical hogwash between "Churches" and "DenomiNations" and what have you.

That does obviously NOT mean that we will be opening a "ecumenical church", since that would mean that it's OK with anything as long as you [mis]use the Name of Jesus and take the edge off any Word He have spoken, by removing them or "re-inventing" them, if they point on something in my and yours  hearts and lives.

That's amongst other what the Sword of God is meant to do, and then the Spirit of God transforms us to the likeness of Jesus, little by little.. This is a Biblical site, and nothing else.

It means that the site will be a site for those that seek the truth and wants to own it in their hearts and souls, no matter the cost. And that truth is given by One Shepherd: Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God's Son, Y'shuah H'mashiach.

It means that in there, everyone is allowed and encouraged to speak their mind to help others understand and be comforted and grow.
It means that in there, no one are allowed to think that no one is holier than anyone, because we are all the body of Christ, and as such, we are each other's different limbs, so I'd have a hard time drinking a cup of water without my thumb, like I would have a hard time hearing without the ear. And so on.

This is supposed to be the pastures of green and the silversmith's fire all in one place.

This is supposed to be the place where YOU are the important ones for once, in stead of just sitting silently and defenseless under the spell of some "pastor" or "elder" and what have you. The thing they all seem to have in common, though, is they prevent you from speaking out loud to the other members so EVERY ONE can be helped by your testimony and words and stories. That position they reserve for themselves, in spite of the Bible's clear teachings on the subject.
Well, no more.

Did you know that "pastor" and "bishop" are only Latin and Greek words that mean "shepherd"? Well, do you feel tended to? Are you hungry still after the "feeding of the flock"" is over and the coffee and cakes or what ever are served after "service"?

I know I was. So I had to search for Him on my own. I had to grab that garment and cling on to it, no matter where and what happened on the way there.

In addition to being the mainframe of a healthy community through the forums, we will also provide you with links to both Bibles and other interesting material, movies and music; in short everything imaginable that sheds light on the truth of many matters and helps you to think for yourself. And not only comfortable truths, but things that may help to clear the haze away on many issues.

Our e-Book base is quite large, and quite diverse. All for free download.

But first and most this is supposed to be a place of healing and growth, a place where you are heard or have something to listen to that actually helps you, a place of truth and grace, under one King. The Son of Man, Y'shuah H'Mashiach, Yesu Christos, Jesus Christ, Jesus the Anointed One, the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah.

The site opens soon, and we'll allow only a few people in at first. Then, little by little, the community will  take form before our eyes. Wanna be in on it? YOUR INPUT WILL BE WHAT MAKES THE SITE LIVE AND STAY HEALTHY!!
If so; stay tuned a little longer, and I'll announce the site. Both here and other places.

Also, it would be nice if you wrote me a mail and announced your interest, and I'd give you a personal invite.
But that's your choice. My mail-address is on top of the blog.

With love,