Well, This is how it looks at the moment of truth.
This is the logo of Blazefire.org. The place of rest, relaxation and fellowship.
Where YOU ARE WELCOME, no matter circumstance or anything.
Where YOU ARE WELCOME, no matter circumstance or anything.
I wish you'll accept the offer to be among the first to be let into the community site we have been building for quite a while, a community for all that actually long for true brother/sisterhood and a life within the actual body of Christ.
The site itself is still under construction and fine-tuning at the same time, but have got the ground rules and framework to take care of the people we hope will turn up, little by little.
Not much is written in the forums, because they're supposed to be the nerve-central of the whole community, and not the outlet of the people who kicked and prayed and programmed and paid this thing into existence.
You are the ones that must help by contributing with posts and greetings and make up the atmosphere, and also questions and constructive criticism.
The site itself is still under construction and fine-tuning at the same time, but have got the ground rules and framework to take care of the people we hope will turn up, little by little.
Not much is written in the forums, because they're supposed to be the nerve-central of the whole community, and not the outlet of the people who kicked and prayed and programmed and paid this thing into existence.
You are the ones that must help by contributing with posts and greetings and make up the atmosphere, and also questions and constructive criticism.
Does this sound like a good idea? I think so, and only the response and outcome of the invitations will tell if it is.
Main reason for becoming a member: Not just sit like a little bird screaming: "Feed me!", [unless that's what you actually need, of course, it's OK to scream for food.. :-) ] but actually contribute with those two barley breads and a few small fish. That's what Jesus uses to perform miracles..He needs your two cents, in truth and humility, to accomplish true growth in His Body, us..
Just participation, and a willingness to share what little you have. That's what will make the site throb with life and reality in a way that pompous, good for nothing, gibberish can.
So just go to the site and get your invite, or respond to my e-mail on top of the post, and you'll receive an invite to a website built around the principle:
"Jesus didn't call Pentecostals, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists and what have you. He called disciples."
That is; people that are willing to abandon all earthly allegiance and give Him the final Word on anything, any time.
Mentioning what "DenomiNation" you're from, or your "rank" in this or the other way, is strictly forbidden. The ones that got together and pulled the virtual strings and such for this site, have in fact never discussed what denomination we're from. Ever. We have met via mails and forums, just love each other like true brothers and sisters, and know it is because Jesus loved us first. Period.
Only words spoken like God's Word, one member to the other(s), are allowed. Even in testimonies.
This must not be confused with "ecumenical" communities, who "agree on just the things that doesn't cause division", but quite the contrary: Agree to what ever makes up a functioning body of Christ. And the body of Christ is neither Mormon, Jehova's Witness or Amish, Charismatic, Catholic, etc..etc..
The creator and planner of all parties is the devil, and when we tear down those strongholds he has made in our minds through fear and disbelief and false teachings, we can get back to the One True Source, and that is when we all get built together and form the Body, helping each other out as servants, be it that way or this way. Comforting and healing each other, from the inside and out.
Invite will come, but may be sent to your "junk-mail" folder, so check there if you don't get it directly in your in-box within a short while after replying to this mail.
Upon registration [No, that information will never be available to anyone else. Safe and Ad-free and so on..)], choose a Nickname you can live with, register with a mail-address that's (preferably) exclusive to the site, be sure to read the rules and creed and click and read again till you've got the concept, and your heart catches a fire that warms those around you to the bone.. :-)
If you like what you see and want to be a part of this, maybe even would like to let more people in, just ask for your own invites to give away to your contacts. Just be sure in your heart you want them in there.. ;-)
In time we will become so many that we can open up to open registrations without invites, but must do it this way to form a backbone to be able to handle the people that become members. There are many lonely, hurt souls out there. They all need special care and love. You can and will make a difference.