[By the way: There will be no "catchy", nice or provoking illustration to accompany this post. This is a post hat I'll just write and then publish. I won't change a letter to polish it, not even typing errors. It goes like this:]
...It is such a MUST for the one after the other on the net and on TV and in papers and all over, as "comments" to my uploads and as posts in the blogs, TO "debunk" the "myth of Jesus"? The people doing all of this are dead set on "exposing the truth" about "Jesus" so that no one can be confident that He even existed! No "He's a collage of several deities and religions". He's "constructed and twisted around to fit the government of Konstantine". He's ANYTHING but the Jesus portrayed in the Bible.
I know I'm not the only one that sees this fact going on worldwide, but WHERE ARE THE VOICES?
WHERE ARE YOU, PEOPLE? It's now we all need to hear you testimonies of you relationship with our LORD!! NOW! Tomorrow never comes, you know.. Because tomorrow is today tomorrow, and still we "don't know what to say", or "haven't been called to preach" or "find it more wise to not talk about Him and "that" right now".
Come on.... We're dying here! And people are in fact looking to us in search of answers, but they see and hear next to nothing! Even I would rather watch a Criss Angel show than I'd be watching Benny Hinn or for that matter Archbishop Tutu or all that "Priestly", "DenomiNational", vague, powerless BULLSHIT you get when you go to most so called "congregations". No life. Nothing.
I'm calling you to come out of the little cocoons and the fancy buildings and your coffee and chocolate-chip brownies and what have you. Let me hear you! Let the Heavens HEAR YOU!!! Let the people around you hear that you obviously aren't ashamed of the Name of Jesus. THEY ARE WORKING HARD RIGHT NOW TO MAKE YOU ASHAMED OF HIM! There's A WAR ON, whether it fits your chedule or not. What happens if you don't counter-attack? You are overcome. You fall down. And then you're dead.
That's not what Jesus lived and died and lives again for though. He's right here, right now, if you're reading this. Because then there are two of us gathered here in His Name, and He is right here with us.
Make use of the day and circumstance right now, and you will be enrolled in the greatest adventure and the greatest time this world has ever experienced. You'll be the hero you always dream that you'd be when you jump in these waters and start swimming. Now...
May God the almighty bless you abundantly. I know He wants to.
Christmas? Yeah, that'll be a Christmas worth remembering.
Love, always,
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