januar 15, 2010


Hi ya'.. Still here, in case you were wondering if I'd totally lost contact and/or something, but I haven't. I'm here. Even picking up the thread from before the holidays. Did you have a nice break from "everyday life"? That's a trick question, because even though we need rest, we're never to take leave of the discipleship..

"But I'm so burdened!" Yeah.. Well, that's kind of what you come to, isn't it, when you start carrying burdens for the benefit of others. Well, if you carry them, knowing that you're carrying the weight for Jesus, then you might experience that your burden becomes light, because you're humble enough to take on the yoke that Jesus referred to..

I truly don't know who's reading this blog. All I see are the counter. So someone IS reading it, more or less. I've gotten one comment though. He was even pleased by what I wrote.. :-)

We might think that we've got it hard. A wise man once said that if we put all our burdens down on a line, and compared our pile to the others' piles, we'd take back our own, and go home, ashamed.. I think there's much to that..

Though it's not easy, much of our burdens are wants and not needs. I'm not referring to the poor man above trying to still pay for his mortgage so he'll have a home for his loved ones..
I'm more referring to..:

You know..

I think this woman could want  a coke, but she needs  food and water..

And what these guys want, I don't wanna think about.. Read 'em and weep..

I guess you get the idea by now. Just wanted you to get some perspective, so I threw together a post. Hope you like it.. To end it, I've found a great shot..

Till the next time, when I hope to have some exiting news, perhaps, we'll see.. All good things cooking takes their time before the table is set and the curtain falls.. :-)


1 kommentar:

  1. OK, to translate:

    五王 said: "The best gift in life is to own a part of the [it?]", but he wrote it in Chinese.
    Oh, that's deep.. And strange, since I have gotten three comments today in Chinese, whereof one was just advocating porn.. Wonder if there's a connection..

    And 皮東 said: "Διατηρείτε πάντα τα λόγια σας απαλή και γλυκιά, μόνο σε περίπτωση που έχετε να τα φάνε." Yeah, that's Greek..

    As a direct consequense of that I will say; "Sometimes keep your words sharp as a scalpel, because they're supposed to cut a tumor out out of someone's liver".
    That's what saves lives in some instances. Not cotton-candy.
